Jackie Farley wrote in to tell us about a project she and her students are doing to raise money for the Hospitalito, and she's looking for student submissions!
She writes, "my students at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas are contributing their art work to an exhibition to raise funds to buy supplies for the temporary hospialito in Santiago Atitlán. The show runs from Oct. 1st thru Dec. 2006. We have a large gallery space at the school, and I wonder if there may be other students out there who would be interested in donating art work."
Please send submissions to:
Attn: Jackie Farley
Developing Virtue Girls School
The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas
2001 Talmage Road
Talmage, CA 95481
The photo was taken during a visit two months ago. It's a shot of the old Hospitalito building, which is currently being used for storage. It's part of the area the Government declaired uninhabitable.