The rains began early this year. Usually the processions of Semana Santa(Holy Week) are completed before the rainy season begins. This year it began to rain on Holy Monday, and hard rains continued every afternoon that followed. By Friday morning, everyone was worried that Good Friday’sactivities would be spoiled by more rain. It was rumored that the village rainmakers met in the caves above town where they prayed to ask that Good Friday be rain free… and their prayers were answered. In this photo, workis on progress on one of hundreds of images created out of colored sawdust along the procession route. The procession begins at 4 PM and continues thru the night. Antonio Chichom of Hospitalito Atitlán was one of many young men who worked long hours to create this work of art that was passed over by those carrying Christ in the coffin at 6 AM on Saturday morning.The designs are usually of Christian theme, of fruit and flowers, birds orMayan iconography. There are many activities during Semana Santa and it is said that Holy Week in Guatemala is the most photographed event in the world. It is amazing.