On September 22, six members of the Sarasota Rotary Club arrived at Hospitalito Atitlán for a jornada of cataract surgeries. Dra. Caridad Santos and Dr. Miguel Espiritu operated on patients throughout the week. Caridad's husband, Ramon, an OB / GYN was called during the night for two emergency cesareans. Josef Fischer of Club Rotario Norte, in Guatemala City, was very helpful in facilitating the trip and the experience of the physicians, their first visit to Guatemala. We hope that they plan to return!
Hospitalito Atitlán's director Dr. Juan Manuel Chuc with Dr. Ramon Santos, Dra. Caridad Santos, Dorotea Sandland , Gary Sibley, Dr. Alex Sylva of the Eye Center for the University de Valle in Sololá, Dra. Leni Espiritu and Dr. Mike Espiritu.