The Swedish Ambassador to Guatemala, Lena Werner Dahlin, visited Santiago Atitlán in recognition of her country’s commitment to rebuild after Tropical Storm Stan. Sweden has contributed U$400,000.00 towards building new communities in Xucumuk for 900 affected families. However, the effort involves many agencies on both national and international level. The area, which lies north of Santiago Atitlán, is planned with sport facilities, green areas, archeological parks, a museum, areas for drying coffee and other crops and space enough to house chickens and other animals the families are dependent upon.
The photo is taken at the new museum that displayed a photo exhibit based on the events during and after the mudslide of October 5th, 2005. The Ambassador is accompanied with Santiago Atitlán´s mayor Diego Esquina Mendoza and members from both the Swedish and the Atitlaneco administrations.