I want to apologize to the hard working volunteers from Crane and West Springfield United Methodist Churches in Pennsylvania. In this photo, they look like they are having a picnic! I can assure you that the work they did this week WAS NO PICNIC!!! I am sorry that this is the best photo of their group that I have for the blogalito. THEY WORKED INCREDIBLY HARD! This is the third time that these wonderful people have been to Santiago Atitlán to help with the Hospitalito. In March 2005, they helped prepare for the opening of the Hospitalito in Panabaj. Leroy repaired the sheet rock on the ceiling in the operating room. His wife Laura scrubbed and scrubbed the floors and then waxed them. Cindy painted windows, some of the group made the darkroom in X-ray light tight.... and much more. Last year, when they returned, they worked in the temporary hospital, finishing the new kitchen and working with inventory. This year was the hardest. They moved dirt!! They compacted dirt!! They got extremely dirty and HOT! I promised them that this is the hardest that they will ever work for us! Every year, their church members gather items from the wish list, and the congregation is very generous. They sponsor a student in the Pueblo a pueblo school sponsorship program and a mother and baby in the Maternal Infant program. They also worked with ADISA this visit.
I hope that next year, they can help us get ready to open the new Hospitalito... wouldn't that be WONDERFUL!! Thanks, it was wonderful to see you all again!! Lyn