Back in Boston
I’m back in Boston, sorting through my photographs and remembering the unbelievably wonderful two weeks which I just spent volunteering at the Hospitalito. I felt truly privileged to serve the wonderful Atitecos; the beautiful children and their grateful parents will live in my heart always.
For those reading this and considering coming to Santiago, don’t think twice; the Hospitalito needs you and all you can give will be more than reciprocated by what you will gain educationally and emotionally. My only consolation in leaving was the knowledge that I’d return.
I’m back in Boston, sorting through my photographs and remembering the unbelievably wonderful two weeks which I just spent volunteering at the Hospitalito. I felt truly privileged to serve the wonderful Atitecos; the beautiful children and their grateful parents will live in my heart always.
For those reading this and considering coming to Santiago, don’t think twice; the Hospitalito needs you and all you can give will be more than reciprocated by what you will gain educationally and emotionally. My only consolation in leaving was the knowledge that I’d return.
-Dr. Rob Meyer