Hospitalito Atitlán receives Health Ministry Authorization. The application process to open a full service Hospital began in 2004, with meetings with the chief of the State Health Department, Dr. OliverMartinez. Board members began with the application for legal status, Asociación K’aslimaal, and submitting architectural drawings of the Panabaj facility. After the mudslide, architectural plans for the temporary hospital needed to be prepared. When Dr. Chuc began as director,the authorization became his priority and he met frequently with Dr.Chumil of the local Health Department. A recent meeting with the area director put the authorization on the fast track, still it was believed itcould take up to three months. On June 6th, in three weeks, Hospitalito Atitlán received the necessary paperwork valid until June 2012. Thiscertificate from the Guatemalan Ministry of Health, paves the way for fulluse of the operating room including specialty surgeries performed by approved visiting physicians. A special celebration luncheon was held. In this photo, Dr Chuc is presenting the certificate to Jose Reanda,Hospitalito Atitlán's administrator.The Architectural plans for the permanent facility in Xutchaj will soon beon their way to the National Health Department and the Department of the Environment for approval.